How Do Cats Show Dominance: Unraveling the Mysteries of Feline Hierarchies

How Do Cats Show Dominance: Unraveling the Mysteries of Feline Hierarchies

Cats, those enigmatic creatures that grace our homes with their presence, have long been the subject of fascination and study. Among the many aspects of their behavior, the way they establish and maintain dominance is particularly intriguing. This article delves into the various ways cats demonstrate dominance, exploring the nuances of their social structures and the subtle cues they use to assert their position.

Understanding Feline Dominance

Before we can explore how cats show dominance, it’s essential to understand what dominance means in the context of feline behavior. Dominance in cats is not as rigid or hierarchical as it is in some other animals, such as dogs. Instead, it’s more fluid and context-dependent. Cats establish dominance through a combination of physical displays, vocalizations, and territorial behaviors.

Physical Displays

One of the most obvious ways cats show dominance is through physical displays. These can include:

  • Body Posture: A dominant cat will often stand tall, with its tail held high and its ears forward. This posture conveys confidence and authority.
  • Staring: Direct eye contact is a powerful tool in the feline world. A dominant cat may stare down a subordinate, asserting its position without the need for physical confrontation.
  • Blocking: Dominant cats may physically block access to resources such as food, water, or resting spots. This behavior ensures that they have priority access to these essential items.


Cats are known for their wide range of vocalizations, and these sounds play a crucial role in establishing dominance. Some of the key vocalizations include:

  • Hissing and Growling: These sounds are typically used to warn off potential challengers. A dominant cat may hiss or growl to assert its authority and deter others from encroaching on its territory.
  • Purring: While purring is often associated with contentment, it can also be a sign of dominance. A dominant cat may purr loudly to assert its presence and reassure itself of its position within the group.
  • Meowing: The tone and frequency of a cat’s meow can convey different messages. A dominant cat may use a low, guttural meow to assert its authority, while a higher-pitched meow may be used to solicit attention or resources.

Territorial Behaviors

Territory is a critical aspect of feline dominance. Cats are highly territorial animals, and they use a variety of behaviors to mark and defend their territory. These behaviors include:

  • Scent Marking: Cats have scent glands on their faces, paws, and tails, which they use to mark their territory. By rubbing against objects or scratching surfaces, a dominant cat leaves its scent behind, signaling to others that this area is under its control.
  • Spraying: Unneutered male cats, in particular, may spray urine to mark their territory. This behavior is a clear sign of dominance and is often used to deter other males from entering the area.
  • Patrolling: Dominant cats may regularly patrol their territory, ensuring that no intruders have encroached. This behavior reinforces their claim to the area and helps maintain their position within the social hierarchy.

The Role of Social Structure

While cats are often thought of as solitary animals, they do form social groups, particularly in multi-cat households or feral colonies. Within these groups, dominance hierarchies can develop, with certain cats taking on more dominant roles than others.

Establishing Hierarchy

The process of establishing a dominance hierarchy among cats can be complex and may involve a combination of the behaviors mentioned above. In some cases, dominance is established through direct confrontation, such as fighting or aggressive displays. In other cases, it may be more subtle, with cats using body language and vocalizations to assert their position without resorting to physical conflict.

Maintaining Dominance

Once a dominance hierarchy is established, maintaining it requires ongoing effort. Dominant cats must continually assert their authority to ensure that their position is not challenged. This may involve regular displays of dominance, such as blocking access to resources or engaging in territorial behaviors.

Challenges to Dominance

Even within an established hierarchy, challenges to dominance can occur. A subordinate cat may attempt to challenge the dominant cat’s position, particularly if there are changes in the environment or the social group. These challenges can lead to conflicts, which may be resolved through physical confrontation or through more subtle displays of dominance.

The Impact of Human Interaction

Human interaction can also play a role in how cats establish and maintain dominance. For example, a cat that receives more attention or resources from its human caregivers may be more likely to assert dominance over other cats in the household. Conversely, a cat that is neglected or mistreated may be more submissive.

Feeding and Resource Allocation

The way resources are allocated within a household can have a significant impact on feline dominance. If one cat consistently receives more food, attention, or access to preferred resting spots, it may be more likely to assert dominance over other cats. Conversely, if resources are distributed more evenly, the hierarchy may be more balanced.

Human-Mediated Conflict Resolution

In some cases, human caregivers may need to intervene to resolve conflicts between cats. This can involve separating the cats temporarily, providing additional resources to reduce competition, or using behavior modification techniques to encourage more harmonious interactions.

The Role of Individual Personality

Just as humans have different personalities, so do cats. Some cats are naturally more assertive and dominant, while others are more submissive. These individual differences can influence how a cat behaves within a social group and how it establishes and maintains dominance.

Assertive Cats

Assertive cats are more likely to take on dominant roles within a social group. They may be more confident, more willing to engage in physical displays of dominance, and more likely to challenge others for resources or territory.

Submissive Cats

Submissive cats, on the other hand, are more likely to defer to dominant cats. They may avoid direct confrontation, use more subtle forms of communication, and be more willing to share resources. However, even submissive cats may assert themselves in certain situations, particularly if they feel their position is threatened.

The Influence of Environment

The environment in which cats live can also influence how they establish and maintain dominance. Factors such as the size of the living space, the availability of resources, and the presence of other animals can all play a role.

Living Space

In a small living space, competition for resources may be more intense, leading to more frequent displays of dominance. Conversely, in a larger space with ample resources, cats may be less likely to engage in dominant behaviors.

Presence of Other Animals

The presence of other animals, such as dogs or other cats, can also influence feline dominance. A cat that lives with a dominant dog, for example, may be more submissive, while a cat that lives with other cats may need to establish its position within the group.


Understanding how cats show dominance is a complex and multifaceted topic. From physical displays and vocalizations to territorial behaviors and social structures, cats use a variety of methods to assert their authority and maintain their position within a group. By observing and understanding these behaviors, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate social dynamics of our feline companions.

Q: Can a cat’s dominance behavior change over time?

A: Yes, a cat’s dominance behavior can change over time, particularly in response to changes in its environment or social group. For example, a cat that was once dominant may become more submissive if it is introduced to a more assertive cat.

Q: How can I tell if my cat is dominant or submissive?

A: Observing your cat’s behavior can give you clues about its dominance status. Dominant cats are more likely to engage in assertive behaviors such as blocking access to resources, staring down other cats, and marking territory. Submissive cats, on the other hand, may avoid direct confrontation and defer to more dominant cats.

Q: Can I influence my cat’s dominance behavior?

A: While you can’t change your cat’s inherent personality, you can influence its behavior through training and environmental management. Providing ample resources, ensuring a balanced social structure, and using positive reinforcement can help create a more harmonious environment for all cats in your household.

Q: Is dominance behavior more common in male or female cats?

A: Dominance behavior can be seen in both male and female cats, but it may be more pronounced in unneutered males. Neutering can reduce aggressive and dominant behaviors in male cats, making them more amenable to living in multi-cat households.

Q: What should I do if my cats are constantly fighting over dominance?

A: If your cats are constantly fighting, it’s important to address the underlying causes of the conflict. This may involve providing more resources, creating separate spaces for each cat, and using behavior modification techniques to encourage more peaceful interactions. In some cases, consulting with a veterinarian or a feline behaviorist may be necessary to resolve the issue.